What is Haven Energy?

Discover how Haven Energy's solar and battery systems can reduce your bills, provide backup power, and support clean energy goals.

Last updated
October 20, 2024
Author: Matt from Currents
Learn about energy for your home or business.

Haven Energy is a climate tech company that offers home solar and battery backup systems.

Haven Energy makes home batteries simple and cost-effective as energy prices rise and outages increase. Their all-in-one solution helps homeowners save money, gain energy security, and support clean power.

  • Power Bill savingsUp to 90%
  • Outage protection: Yes
  • Remote monitoring: Yes
  • Installation time: ~2 days

What Does Haven Energy Do?

Haven Energy

Haven Energy makes home battery systems easy to get and use. They offer a full package for homeowners who want more energy independence and lower bills.

Solar and Battery Systems Explained

Haven Energy sets up solar panels and batteries that work together to power your home. Here's the simple breakdown:

They use top-notch batteries like:

A typical 10 kWh battery? It'll keep your home's basics running for at least a day if the power goes out.

Working with Existing Solar Panels

Got solar already? No sweat. Haven Energy can add a battery to your setup, even if you're leasing panels. They handle everything:

Power During Outages

When the lights go out, Haven Energy's system jumps in. It:

"I live in a fire-prone area and wanted to keep working from home during outages. A home battery does both—cuts my monthly costs and keeps my power reliable." - Mark K., Topanga

Haven Energy's big goal? Put in 100,000 systems by 2028. That means more homes staying powered up and protected.

Main Benefits

Haven Energy's home battery systems pack a punch with three big perks:

Lower Electricity Bills

Cut your power costs by $500 to $1,000 a year. How? The system's like a savvy shopper:

This smart timing can save you about 20% between peak and off-peak rates. Ka-ching!

Grid Independence

Say goodbye to blackout blues. A typical 13 kWh battery keeps your essentials humming for at least a day if the grid throws a tantrum. And trust us, it happens:

"Home batteries are a homeowner's secret weapon – slashing bills, kicking outages to the curb, and unlocking energy freedom." - Vinnie Campo, Haven Energy's big boss

Green Power Play

Solar + batteries = smaller carbon footprint. You're giving dirty power plants the boot and Mother Nature a high-five.

Bonus round: Join Haven's Virtual Power Plant (VPP) and:


How the System Works

Haven Energy's system is your home's energy traffic cop. It decides when to use different power sources to save you money and keep the lights on.

Managing Energy Use

The system juggles three goals:

Here's how:

"It's almost like a one-click checkout, where you can go through a very simple process, we handle all the work in the back end." - Vinnie Campo, Founder of Haven Energy

Power out? No problem. The system flips to battery power, keeping essentials running for at least 24 hours with a typical 13 kWh battery.

Pro tip: Use the Haven Energy app to set up time-of-use schedules. Dodge peak pricing like a pro.

Setting Up the System

Getting Haven Energy running is quick:

1. Day 1: Install solar panels and battery (if needed)

2. Day 2: Set up and optimize system (a few hours)

Haven team handles the tricky bits:

Once set, start saving. Most users cut electricity bills by $500 to $1,000 per year.

Bonus: Join Haven's Virtual Power Plant (VPP) program. Earn at least $125 yearly by sharing extra juice with the grid.

Special Features

Haven Energy makes home batteries simple and profitable. Here's what sets them apart:

Easy Installation

Haven takes care of everything:

"It's almost like a one-click checkout, where you can go through a very simple process, we handle all the work in the back end." - Vinnie Campo, Haven Energy Founder

Virtual Power Plant Program

Virtual Power Plant

Money Matters

Haven Energy's solar and battery systems can slash your electric bills and put cash in your pocket. Here's the scoop:

Cutting Your Bills

With Haven Energy, you could see your electric bills drop by up to 90%. How? It's simple:

Take California, for instance. Electricity prices there have jumped 38% since 2019. A Haven system helps you dodge these rising costs.

Mark K. from Topanga, a Haven customer, puts it this way:

"I wanted power security in my high fire risk area, especially when working from home. A home battery cuts my monthly costs AND keeps my lights on during outages."

Making Money from Your System

Haven Energy doesn't just save you money - it helps you earn it:

1. Virtual Power Plant (VPP) Program

Earn at least $125 yearly by helping balance the grid. It's a no-brainer to sign up.

2. Net Metering

Get paid for extra energy you send to the grid. It offsets times when you need grid power.

3. Boost Your Home's Value

Studies show solar systems can bump up your home's resale value by about 4%.

What You GetHow MuchBill CutsUp to 90%VPP Earnings$125+/yearHome Value Boost~4%

Ready to start? Haven Energy offers free, custom quotes. They cover all hardware and installation costs, plus any rebates and incentives you can snag.

The energy world is changing fast. More people are looking at home batteries. Here's why:

Weather and Power Grid Problems

Extreme weather is messing with our old power grid:

Our grid is old, mostly from the '60s and '70s. It's struggling. Outages happen more now than 20 years ago, even though we're not using much more electricity.

New Energy Laws

New laws are making it easier to use renewable energy at home:

These deals are making solar and batteries cheaper for homeowners.

Home Batteries are Hot

People want home batteries. A lot.

YearExpected U.S. Battery Capacity2023~15.9 gigawatts202430+ gigawatts (89% increase)

Why? Three big reasons:

Take California:

Average 6-kW solar + battery system: $33,600 After tax credit and rebate: $22,100 Pays for itself in 8 years (solar-only takes 10)

As the grid keeps having issues and batteries get cheaper, expect more homes to add energy storage to their solar setups.

Haven Energy vs. Other Options

Haven Energy's solar and battery systems stand out from standard power options and competitors. Here's why:

Cost Savings

Haven Energy can slash your electricity bills:

Mark K. from Topanga says:

"A home battery cuts monthly costs and adds power security and reliability."

System Features

Haven Energy offers:

Standard power? None of these perks. You're stuck with outages and price hikes.

Installation and Support

Haven Energy gets you up and running fast:

Mike J. from Manhattan Beach raves:

"Haven added two Franklin solar batteries to our home. Knowledgeable, responsive, and easy to communicate with."

Not all providers offer this level of support.

Environmental Impact

Haven Energy's systems are greener than standard grid power. But remember, all solar panels face recycling challenges at end-of-life - an industry-wide issue.

Common Questions

How Does a Home Battery Work?

Think of a home battery as a giant phone battery for your house. It stores energy from your solar panels or the grid. When the sun's out, your panels charge it up. At night or during blackouts, it powers your home.

Steps to Buy a System

1. Get a quote

Head to Haven Energy's website and punch in your home details.

2. System design

Haven's pros will figure out the right battery size for you.

3. Installation

Experts set up your system, usually in just a few hours.

4. Activation

Your system's ready to roll the day after installation.

How Long is Installation?

Haven Energy gets you up and running fast, typically in less than a day to checkout and confirm details, no more than a day or two to install.

Haven Energy's founder, Vinnie Campo, puts it simply:

"It's almost like a one-click checkout, where you can go through a very simple process, we handle all the work in the back end."

Additional FAQs

Q: Can I use Haven Energy with my existing solar panels? A: Yep, Haven Energy plays nice with your current solar setup.

Q: How much can I save on my electricity bill? A: It varies, but with California's utility prices up 38% since 2019, many homeowners are seeing their bills shrink.

Q: Is there a warranty? A: Haven Energy offers warranties, but you'll want to check with them for the nitty-gritty details.

Mike J. from Manhattan Beach chimes in:

"Haven added two Franklin solar batteries to our home. Knowledgeable, responsive, and easy to communicate with."


Haven Energy is charging ahead with ambitious plans for home energy storage. Their mission? To boost clean power adoption and reduce grid dependence.

Here's Haven Energy's game plan:

CEO Vinnie Campo says:

"We want to be part of this once-in-a-generation transformation of the energy grid and to get as many homeowners involved as possible."

What's powering Haven's growth?

  • Grid problems: 24,000 California outages in 2 years
  • New legislation: 30% tax credit for home batteries
  • Market shifts: Potential 50% US home energy storage by 2030

Haven Energy is streamlining home battery adoption. They're developing tools to boost installer efficiency.

As power grids strain, Haven Energy aims to be the solution. They're betting big on home batteries shaping our energy future.

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