What is Rewiring America?

Rewiring America is a non-profit organization that has set out on a mission to drive the transition to a clean energy future.

Last updated
May 13, 2024
Author: Matt from Currents
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In the face of escalating climate change, there's an urgent need to transform our energy systems and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. One organization that is leading the charge in this crucial battle is Rewiring America. But what exactly is Rewiring America and what are they aiming to achieve?

Rewiring America is a non-profit organization that has set out on a mission to drive the transition to a clean energy future and, no pun intended, rewire America to be renewable and resilient. Their vision is to completely rewire the United States, shifting away from carbon-intensive energy sources and towards renewable and sustainable alternatives. To achieve their goals, Rewiring America has developed a comprehensive plan with key initiatives in the electrification of homes, promoting the use of electric heating, cooling, and appliances.

Key Principles and Values

1. Climate Action: Rewiring America is committed to taking immediate and effective action to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They believe that transitioning to clean energy is crucial in mitigating the effects of climate change.

2. Equity and Justice: Rewiring America recognizes the importance of ensuring that the benefits of the clean energy transition are accessible to all communities, regardless of socioeconomic status. They strive to promote equity, social justice, and inclusivity in their initiatives.

3. Collaboration: Rewiring America understands that solving the complex challenges of transitioning to clean energy requires collaboration and partnership. They actively engage with diverse stakeholders, including local communities, businesses, policymakers, and academia, to drive collective action.

Founders and Key Figures

Rewiring America was founded by a group of esteemed experts and advocates in the fields of energy, economics, and climate policy. Some of the key figures involved in Rewiring America include:

1. Saul Griffith: An engineer and entrepreneur, Saul Griffith is one of the co-founders of Rewiring America. He brings extensive knowledge and experience in clean energy technologies and has been a vocal advocate for a rapid transition to renewable energy.

saul griffith rewiring america
Saul Griffith, Rewiring America co-founder

2. Alex Laskey: As a co-founder of Rewiring America, Alex Laskey brings expertise in behavioral science and energy efficiency. He has been a driving force behind the organization's efforts to promote energy efficiency and behavior change.

3. Severin Borenstein: Severin is an economist and co-founder of Rewiring America. With his expertise in energy economics, he has contributed valuable insights into the economic implications of transitioning to clean energy.

The Mission of Rewiring America

Climate Change Mitigation

Rewiring America is deeply committed to mitigating the effects of climate change. They recognize that greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels are the primary drivers of global warming. By advocating for a swift and comprehensive transition to renewable energy sources, Rewiring America aims to significantly reduce carbon emissions and limit the rise in global temperatures.

Through their efforts, Rewiring America aims to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, while simultaneously phasing out the use of fossil fuels. By shifting to clean energy sources, they aim to reduce the carbon footprint associated with electricity generation, transportation, and industrial processes.

This transition not only contributes to the global fight against climate change but also helps to protect ecosystems, preserve biodiversity, and safeguard the well-being of future generations.

renewable energy job creation
The creation of jobs is a huge tenet of Rewiring America

American Job Creation

Rewiring America recognizes that the transition to a clean energy economy presents a significant opportunity for job creation. We're going to need a lot of people to bring our energy grid into a new era. By investing in renewable energy infrastructure, energy-efficient technologies, and the necessary workforce, they aim to generate millions of new jobs across various sectors.

The organization believes in the power of green jobs to stimulate economic growth, reduce unemployment rates, and enhance workforce development. As they advocate for the expansion of renewable energy generation, the electrification of transportation, and the implementation of energy-efficient solutions, Rewiring America envisions a future where individuals from all backgrounds can access meaningful and sustainable employment opportunities. This includes contractors in homes, utility-scale projects, replacing aging infrastructure, and more.

By supporting workforce training programs and fostering partnerships with businesses, educational institutions, and labor organizations, Rewiring America aims to build a strong and diverse workforce capable of driving the clean energy transition.

Energy Efficiency

They recognize that reducing energy waste and optimizing energy consumption is essential in achieving a sustainable energy future.

Through their initiatives, Rewiring America advocates for the electrification of homes and businesses, encouraging the use of energy-efficient appliances, heating, cooling, and lighting systems. They believe that by transitioning away from fossil fuel-based systems, we can significantly reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Additionally, they emphasize the importance of building energy-efficient homes and retrofitting existing buildings to improve energy performance and reduce energy poverty.

home electrification
Energy efficiency is another tenet of the organization

Rewiring America's focus on energy efficiency extends beyond buildings. They also champion the adoption of efficient transportation systems, such as electric vehicles and sustainable public transportation.

Rewiring America's Plan

Electrification of Homes

One of the key pillars of Rewiring America's plan is the electrification of homes. They advocate for the transition from fossil fuel-based systems to electric-powered alternatives in residential buildings. By promoting the use of electric heating, cooling, cooking, and appliances, Rewiring America aims to eliminate the need for fossil fuel consumption in residential energy use.

The electrification of homes not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also improves indoor air quality and reduces the health risks associated with traditional energy sources. Rewiring America supports policies and incentives that encourage homeowners to transition to electric-powered systems, while also addressing the challenges related to affordability, accessibility, and grid capacity.

Transition to Renewable Energy

Rewiring America recognizes that a fundamental shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is crucial in achieving a sustainable energy future. They advocate for the rapid expansion of renewable energy generation, such as solar, wind, hydropower, and geothermal, to replace carbon-intensive electricity generation.

By promoting policies that encourage the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies, Rewiring America aims to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels. They support initiatives that facilitate the integration of renewable energy into the grid, promote community-based renewable energy projects, and foster innovation in energy storage technologies.

US electric grid transmission organizations
We'll need to renew our grid infrastructure

Infrastructure Renewal

Rewiring America recognizes the need to upgrade and modernize our aging energy infrastructure to support the clean energy transition effectively. They advocate for the renewal of the electrical grid and the development of a smart grid system that can efficiently accommodate the integration of renewable energy sources.

Through their plan, Rewiring America supports investments in grid infrastructure, including transmission lines, energy storage facilities, and grid management technologies. They also emphasize the importance of enhancing grid resilience to withstand the impacts of climate change and natural disasters.

In conclusion, Rewiring America's mission is not without its challenges and criticisms. However, through strategic approaches and collaboration, these obstacles can be addressed. By finding innovative solutions, fostering financial support, driving technological advancements, and advocating for supportive policies, Rewiring America continues to pave the way towards a sustainable and clean energy future.

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