Virtual Power Plants

How Are Virtual Power Plants Evolving?

VPPs are poised to grow and evolve, helping homeowners earn thousands by offering their excess energy to the grid.

Last updated
June 30, 2024
Author: Matt from Currents
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The world of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) is rapidly evolving, both contributing significantly to a more sustainable and efficient energy landscape. Behind-the-meter storage, for instance, experienced a substantial growth of 31% year-over-year in early 2021 in the U.S., demonstrating the increasing viability and return on investment of DERs.

On a sector-specific note, the home batteries and residential solar and storage market is projected to expand significantly. With battery costs declining and state incentives increasing, experts foresee a growth in U.S. residential storage from 567 MW in 2020 to an impressive 4.3 GW by 2025. Companies like Sonnen and Sunverge are pioneering in VPPs by leveraging home batteries and AI technologies respectively, thereby providing homeowners the opportunity to earn by participating in grid services.

Successful implementations such as Consolidated Edison's Brooklyn-Queens Neighborhood Program in New York have demonstrated the potential of VPPs to defer significant grid infrastructure investments through the aggregation of DERs. Meanwhile, in California, Sunrun's Brightbox system is utilized in a VPP to optimize demand response during peak hours.

These advancements and case studies highlight not only the potential financial benefits for homeowners but also the critical role of emerging technologies and regulatory adjustments needed to scale these solutions effectively.

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